Fintech Integration Marketplace

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AccuProfile | Andes Wealth Technologies

Behavior Risk Index™ indicates how likely the client is susceptible to irrational behavior in the context of capital markets. In addition to the investor persona, it also incorporates the behavioral biases, cognitive declines (for baby boomer clients) and investor’s knowledge in finance and investments.

Andes Wealth
  • Investor Persona
  • Risk Appetite
  • Behavioral biases (loss aversion, overconfidence and herding)
  • Financial IQ
  • Cognitive Ability Test
Andes Wealth

Companies that integrate with the company

Each integration enriches the platform with data or features that provide comprehensive service and enhance the customer experience.

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Andes Wealth

Get instant integration assistance

It usually takes several months to define goals and create a step-by-step integration plan. Enter your details and book a meeting with an integration expert who can help you clarify the next steps of the integration and streamline the process.